During the Thetahealing sessions, the patient can bring up questions of a physical, emotional or mental nature. For instance: Resentments, Traumas, Fears, Blockages, Addictions, Compulsions, Questions of a Financial, Relationship, Obesity, Insecurity, Diseases and/or Pain nature, or any other block the patient may want to solve in his/her life.
Thetahealing is one of the fastest healing techniques currently available. Through it, a lot can be achieved in a short amount of time however, this process may vary depending on what the patient is looking for.
Thea Thetahealing sessions work as follows:
- Conversations in which the patient explains to the therapist what he/she wishes to work on.
- Through “kinesiology” muscle tests, the patient’s blockages and limiting beliefs are checked, and it is on them that the work will start.
- With the patient’s permission, the therapist accesses the “Theta” frequency and removes the blockages and limiting beliefs from his/her system, replacing them by potentializing programs that generate awareness and a new reality.
How many sessions are necessary?
The amount of sessions varies according to each specific situation. Often times, patients are able to solve many issues in just one session. However, one single issue may need several sessions to be addressed, in the case it covers complex belief systems that require more in-depth work.
“Thetahealing is one of the fastest healing techniques currently available. Through it, a lot can be achieved in a short amount of time however, this process may vary depending on what the patient is looking for.”
Thetahealing Meditation
Thetahealing Meditation is a Guided Meditation that allows for the connection with the Source of Unconditional Love, through the Theta waves and the Thetahealing technique, because it is at this frequency that the healings and manifestations take place.
The Thetahealing Meditation Of Unconditional Love promotes:
- Elevation of your vibrational to attract more prosperity and abundance.
- Removal of negative energies and emotions, such as anxiety and depression.
- Well-being and positive feelings.
Thetahealing Sessions via Whatsapp
Thetahealing sessions can be conducted long-distance, through any means of online communication (preferably through voice conversation, via Whatsapp), without worsening the efficacy of the therapy in any way. This also brings the added advantage of being able to participate in the session in the comfort of your own home.
During an appointment, it is not the therapist him/herself who performs the healing. The therapist is a channeler, an instrument of the divine healing energy that is exists throughout the whole universe. Therefore, the physical presence of the therapist is not essential. The tool used to move this energy into the client’s energetic field, from where beliefs and other blockages will be removed and replaced with potentializing beliefs and energies, are the quantum commands. They are carried out mentally, in the Theta state, which is accessed by the Therapist during the session, using key words that activate the subconscious’ belief system.
It is only necessary a conversation to get access to the root beliefs that are preventing the proper development of those who seek therapy, consisting of guided questions. Such questions will allow to get inside the client’s subconscious in order to find the limiting beliefs. This conversation can be conducted through WhatsApp, without noticing any difference, since even in presential sessions it is takes place with your eyes closed, only listening to each other’s voice.
When in person, there is also hand touching to ease the connection between the therapist and the client. However, this connection can also be achieved mentally since, after all, all of our minds are collectively interconnected. It is from this that the famous expression “We are all one” comes from.
When the client gives permission and the quantum commands are performed, so that specific beliefs are replaced, the universal energies obey those commands and perform the healing and harmonization on the client participating in the session. This happens regardless of where the client is, as long as he/she is mentally connected to the therapist and the session.
If you do not live in the cities where sessions are performed face-to-face, you can still try a session of online Thetahealing and feel this wonderful healing energy, which is transcendent and goes beyond the limits of time and space.
“It is only necessary a conversation to get access to the root beliefs that are preventing the proper development of those who seek therapy, consisting of guided questions. Such questions will allow to get inside the client’s subconscious in order to find the limiting beliefs. This conversation can be conducted through WhatsApp, without noticing any difference, since even in presential sessions it is takes place with your eyes closed, only listening to each other’s voice.”
Intuitive reading
We are all made of energy and, since it is such an important part of our essence, our vibrations can say a lot about us. It was exactly with this purpose in mind that INTUITIVE READING was developed. This is a practice in which the therapist analyzes your energy and immediately provides you with important information gathered from it. During this process, it is possible to identify both problems of a physical and emotional nature, allowing to find solutions for each one of them.
It is a communication tool that connects mind and spirit. During an intuitive reading session, the therapist reads the energy emanating from the person, in order to see if there is any type of imbalance.
It is possible to connect what is gathered by the therapist with specific and relevant information to clarify certain past events, emotions, behaviors, beliefs, blockages caused by previous traumatic experiences, among others. It is an experience used to shed light on what is on each individual’s subconscious but still impacting his/her life.
Through the information gathered from an intuitive reading, it becomes possible to know oneself better, understand what motivates you and accept yourself, easing the welcoming of your own essence. Thus, through self-discovery, you are able to work on your aspects that need improving, allowing you to evolve and develop yourself to be able to go even further.
Many people feel lost and confused in relation to what they have lived in the past or are currently living. However, through this way, you will be given the opportunity to have a clearer perception of your path. This understanding will permit you to align your thoughts and actions and allow you to be the best version of yourself.
The emotional blockages many people have originate from past experiences and, many times, they manifest themselves unconsciously, without any control over it. Hence, intuitive reading comes to shed light over those blockages and limiting beliefs so that they can be understood and the best solution to dispose of them can be found.
Reading with Angels
Besides INTUITIVE READING, in which the Therapist is responsible to channel the information that is needed, there is still the READING WITH ANGELS. In this reading, the information gathered is much more directed towards your experiences, proving clearer indications of actions and directions to take, since they come from entities that are always present alongside with you, whose function is to help you during your life journey.
We all have Guardian Angels, Spiritual Guides and other Entities that are Being of LIGHT which help us throughout our whole existence.
ANGELS are always at our disposal and readily waiting for our request to be guided. They can help us in every aspect of our life..
Every challenging experience in your life, no matter the area, is something angels can help you better understand, overcome and act properly.
In READING WITH ANGELS, angel tarot cards may, or may not be used as tools of connection with the angelic beings. However, they can not be used as a form of divination, as some believe. The cards are portals that show the current life and energy of the person and through them, people are helped by the angels` advise and make healthier decisions.
There is nothing predestined. The angels tell us you make your own future and that it is up to you to change your vibration and take actions to build a better future. If you are facing difficulties, blockages and problems, angels can guide you to change your thoughts, emotions and attitudes to change your future.
These readings are the true messages and guidance provided from the angels for your daily life, with a focus on love and the growth of all. The angels want to help you become a better version of yourself, one that is complete and fulfilled.
The readings with angels deal with topics such as:
- Purpose of life, career choice and growth
- Understanding your true essence and how to use this gift
- Defining, recognizing and showing happiness
- Creating balance and harmony in your life
- Food choices and body and health care
- Manifestation success and abundance
- Improving relationships
- Attracting balanced relationships
- Improving self esteem
- Bringing clarity of thought and improving decision and choice making abilities
- Spiritual development
- Connection with angels and archangels
- Solving financial or family problems
- Making positive changes
- Finding the cure, balance and well-being
How to schedule a reading?
The reading is conducted through a live online call (via Whatsapp – for everyone, everywhere). Even if it does not take place in person, the connection with angels is instantaneous and telepathic, regardless of where we are.