in Portugal
Sofia Matos was born in Portugal and started her journey with Thetahealing ten years ago.
Always curious about different topics within the fields of alternative medicine and quantum physics, Sofia attended several schools and got to know different religions. However, despite understanding and valuing how important all of these steps were for her development, she always felt there was something missing to make her feel totally satisfied with her interior. That is when she found out about Thetahealing in Dublin, Ireland, she immediately realized this technique was exactly what she so longed for.
Her first major change took place after finishing the initial courses (Basic and Advanced DNA). Through this technique, she was able to work on her own nervous system and control a genetic skin condition she suffered from (psoriasis), which up until now has no longer manifested itself.
Adding to this change, Sofia felt she was able to rest better and that her way of facing life was now different.
Sofia felt so impressed that she took it upon herself to develop and deepen her knowledge, concluding even more courses within this field. As a result, she developed her own course and worked on her own version of self-healing.
At the present moment she is in love with Thetahealing, having studied, practiced and developed this technique in various countries around the world. As a teacher, she is certified by Think/THETAHEALING INSTITUTE OF KNOWLEDGE – USA as a Master and Science, this being the highest certification in Thethahealing. She is the first Portuguese to ever achieve this level, having already conducted courses and consultations in different districts of Portugal.
Completely charmed with the human being and concerned with others, helping has always been a part of her essence. Sofia loves her own work and strongly believes we all deserve to evolve in every level, regardless of race, color or religion.
It should be noted that this journey has been triggering positive changes, both in her life and in the life of those who seek her, which makes her very proud with each passing day.
We are all SPECIAL and UNIQUE Beings.