
The concept of the TRIBO is to merge the human being with the great mystery of life, giving opportunity to all those who come to us, to live the experience and to connect with the whole, connecting all the inner receivers with the wonder of being alive and losing the fear of death and all problems. Living the experience in the first person, being connected with the supreme Father of the Universe, living the miraculous expansion in the totality and the absolute whole of life, and giving opportunity to this miraculous experience.

Always curious about different topics within alternative medicine and quantum physics, we attend several schools and know different religions and therapies, however, although we value and realize that all these steps were important for our evolution, because we felt that something was missing to feel completely filled.

Also feeling able to make a difference, it was then that we realized that the continuous search has manifested itself as a lifelong adventure of our beings.

Thus, the various therapies and techniques that we learn, experience and work allow us, now, to create something unusual that combines the full potential of each and all together, always looking for the best we can be and do.

In addition to this community with a strong sense of change, we feel that we can take you on an extraordinary journey where the whole is united, and in it everything is worked and open to the energy of mother earth and its elements. To be able to dazzle you with meditation, cerebral reconnection and 4 indigenous medicines, in a unique place that takes us to our purest essence, with no space for all the coats we wear during our earthly experience.

We are passionate about the gift of our work, and completely enchanted with human beings, concerned with others, and always wanting to help. We strongly believe that we all deserve to evolve at all levels, regardless of race, color or religion.

Because we are all SPECIAL and Unique Beings.

Our Proposal

Our proposal is to bring you to our spiritual shamanic universe through a retreat, led by healing shamans from the Amazon, for 4 days, in a group of 5 to 20 people.
The philosophy of these sessions is based on traditional indigenous culture, which has a free spirit approach, which differs from sessions with a more therapeutic pragmatic approach.

Integrate the experience with the support of a facilitator prepared so that the change of life is permanent and consistent, through fraternal acceptance;
✨ Clean and energizing baths;
✨Therapies and psychology;
✨ Shamanic rituals;
✨ Yoga and meditation;
✨ Tantra Healing.


Our team comes from indigenous tribes in the Amazon Brazil, Mexico and Peru.
We are shamans, healers and therapists with over 30 years of experience. We have been doing retreats for more than 9 years, we heal more than 6 million people around the world. We received the divine call and now we are in Ireland, connecting with your intuition.



Learn about shamanism, the spiritual belief that seeks inner strength and its meeting with the teachings of nature.
In Shamanism the cure for all ills is within each being, so no one can cure anyone, but the person himself can heal himself.
Practitioners of this belief are called Shamans, or people responsible for the manifestations of the supernatural powers of nature.
They consider the elements to be earth, water, fire, air, sound, light and cosmic light. All forms of life as connected and sacred parts of our planet Pachamama, the solar system and the universe and therefore use sacred natural medicines in rituals such as crystals, smoke, infusions, clay, fire, spiritual surgeries and purification techniques.



Enjoy the richness and natural properties of the forest! Restore your natural balance and strengthen your immune system. Experience the most intense emotions through deep meditations. Increase the perception of what happens around us, experiencing harmony and consequently spiritual, emotional and physical realization.

Therapy   • 8 medicines & more
Enjoy the richness and natural properties of the forest!

Ayahuasca • Kambo •  San Pedro – Peyote • Rapé  •  Sananga  •  Bufo Alvarius • Magic Mushrooms  • Sacred Jurema • Meditation & Brain Reconnection

Upcoming Retreats

Cork, Ireland:

Junho  10, 11, 12, 13

Killarney, Ireland:

Julho 1, 2, 3, 4

Algarve, Portugal:

Agosto 26, 27, 28 e 29

Lisboa, Portugal:

Setembro 2, 3, 4 e 5

Galway, Ireland:

Setembro 16, 17, 18 e 19

Contact us and receive the retreat guide:



About the Shaman


My journey as a shaman began when I was 19 on a walk in the open air, in connection with the whole, on a day like any other, where walks were part of my daily life.

I started to feel the energy of the stones that I stepped on, and that same day all my senses were opened.

So, and in a simple way, I took a stone, put it in a comfortable position and started to feel the energy that came from stone, cosmic to understand that everything had life, everything was pure energy.

The water being part of me, the forest, the trees … everything showed me their knowledge, they showed me how they all shared their knowledge for numbers of years.

The earth showed me that it was alive and how its energy emanated to our feet, channeling energy to our body and helping us throughout our existence.

The water spoke of how it was part of a constant cleansing and hydration to our body, in various ways to maintain balance.

Everything was alive, the mountains showed their strength, the same that emanates from human beings on a daily basis, which helps people from different places.

I observed the way they took care of us, human beings, for the simple fact of being and being … but my journey was only at the beginning.

I was very young and the people who accompanied me could feel my Indian guides, who accompanied me daily, and who brought revealing messages.

It was literally a part of me that everyone around me felt, too.

In the first reiki training, one of my Indians appeared and he did the healing himself through me, I saw him in front of me, with his condor feather doing a wonderful cure and showing me the ancestral knowledge of my ancestors.

That day I was told that spiritual surgeries happen and that they work miracles!

The Indians have always been part of my life, they have always been present through dreams, cures, messages, works and paths until today.

So, I became a shaman not because of my high recreation… Because to get here I went through many trials and calls.

My first ordeal was on the trip to Mexico with the Mayan Indians. Through that ancestral knowledge, I met my oldest ancestry on this planet!

My second ordeal was in a call with Guru Paramahamsa Sri Swami Vishwananda, who showed me this path of medicinal shaman.

And my third call was in Peru, where I had the gratitude of having the blessing of Mother Earth to work as Priestess shaman in the Inca techniques and ancestral medicines, with the connection of the Cunibo Xipib Indians.

I am very grateful for my existence and for the blessing of being able to make this path of light connected to this planet earth, and having the blessing of being able to live this same life.